lunes, 12 de agosto de 2013

Prediction of a model for the detection of fraud in e-transactions

The work consisted in the implementation of different classification methods of machine learning already existing, and the development of several scientific papers about classification algorithms which don’t exist already in any of the free libraries of the market; we used the language R with the IDE eclipse.

After we made the choice of the algorithm which gives the best result, the work consisted in its optimization and evaluation, using several techniques of design of algorithms. Like analysis of correctness and time complexity reduction. We used dynamic programming and heuristics.

The third task was its integration with the algorithm of Map Reduce, for its implementation in a computer cluster RHadoop, and its implementation in multi-core programming with the programming language Julia.

After the construction of the model and its implementations we made a critical analysis of performances, we optimized its parameters using the ROC space and finally we made the comparisons with the models of the market using the confusion matrix.

We developed as well an interface in Java J2SE using the libraries Swing, AWT and Prefuse to the visualization of the model and its statistics.

Lille - France, April - September 2013

lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Optimization of sequences of observations for the automatic diagnostic

For the final project of the second year of the master, I worked in a project based in the "Decision Theoretic Troubleshooting".

It consists in a interactive application with an user interface, when it is represented a system with its components. For each component we have its probability of running, and all the system is represented by a Bayesian network.

The application help the user to generate a diagnostic for the reparation of the system finding the states with anomalies and his dependence and repercussion among the others components.

The entire application was developed in python, with the PyQt and gnuplot libraries for the user interface and the PyAgrum library for the representation of the Bayesian network.

Paris - France, January - March 2013

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Ontologies Mining

As a personal project I worked in the development of a system which search separates articles from a web site. The system takes the most important words which describe a concept amongst different writers and automatically the system builds an ontology (RDF graph) with all of the concepts with the sentences and the articles where they were found.

For the system’s development I used the python programming language using for the selection of the most important words which describe a concept, the Bag of words (BoW) algorithm where I constructed a histogram with the words used in the different articles and its repetition numbers. Each histogram element it was clustered using the k-means algorithm amongst “so repeated”, “normally repeated”, and “not repeated”, filtering and only taking the words classed as “normally repeated”.

Paris - France, February 2013

jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Recommendation system

As an academic project I worked in the development using the python programming language of a recommendation system which has as an entry the preferences and class of several users in a web site.

I used the naive Bayes algorithm when we suppose all the variables independent, with the maximum likelihood and the priori knowledge approaches to determinate the probabilities of belonging for each class in such a way that the system could to predict the class of a new user who doesn’t have all the preferences and furthermore to predict the preferences in absence.

I coded as well an approach using the tree-augmented naive model (TAN) algorithm building a Bayesian network which we learned the mutual information between the variables to predict the class which a user belongs.

Paris - France, January 2013

domingo, 30 de diciembre de 2012

System for the analysis of web traces and clustering using the k-means algorithm

As an academic project I worked in the development of a system in the Java programming language with the Swing library for the user interface, which has as an entry a log document type “Combined log” where we take for each request the user id. We used an interval of 30 minutes to set a session. It means that several request with the same user in an interval between them lower than 30 minutes compose a session.

For the clustering of the different sessions I used the k-means algorithm with the numbers of clusters and the kind of distance as parameters. For the different kind of distances I coded the Euclidean distance, the cosine measure, and the Jaccard distance for the calculation at the moment to compare the sessions.

So that I clustered the sessions in different groups having common requests in such a way that we could to determinate statistics such as: the sites with the lowest and highest concurrence, predictions about links for the users, and relations between links.

Paris - France, December 2012

viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

Approach to robotics using reinforcement learning

As an academic project I coded 3 reinforcement learning algorithms to learn how to a robot could to walk.

I used the V function with the Bellman equation, the Q function with a reformulation of the Bellman equation, and the Q learning algorithm with an approach E-greedy.

For the implementation of the algorithms I used a reward vector with a punishment when the robot goes down and goes back and with a reward when the robot goes forward. Likewise I used a transition vector with the different possible robot actions having false for the transitions which make the robot falls over.

Paris - France, November 2012

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Multi-agents video-game using algorithms in reinforcement learning

As a personnel project I worked in the development of a video-game of about several agents who search in a laboratory for different components with the aim of create a nuclear bomb. The user player has to stop them to save the world.

For the development of the video-game I used the programming language Java with the swing library for the user interface and the JADE library for behavior programming in multi-agents.

For the artificial intelligence in agents I coded the MDP (Markov decision process) algorithm which allows to each agent how to find the shorter trail to the nearer bomb component, synchronizing and distributing the tasks for each agent using the Zeuthon algorithm.

For the MDP algorithm I used a reward’s vector with punishment for the position of the user player and rewards for the positions of the bomb components and an action's vector with the possible actions for the current agent.

Paris - France, October 2012